D. TH. TSATSOS – E. VENIZELOS – X. CONTIADES (Eds.), Political Parties in the 21st Century, Εκδόσεις Αντ. Ν. Σάκκουλα, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag και Bruylant, Αθήνα-Κομοτηνή, Berlin, Bruxelles 2004, 362 σελ.
«The present volume consists of original texts by distinguished academics and researchers from several European countries, which were presented during the International Conference “Political Parties in the 21st Century”, organized in Athens by the Centre for European Constitutional Law – Themistokles & Dimitris Tsatsos Foundation (CECL). Through an interdisciplinary approach, this body of work aims to address the major issues concerning contemporary problems, challenges and transformations affecting the future of political parties. We hope that it will instigate further scientific and political dialogue in this particularly important field».
[από τον πρόλογο των Καθηγητών
Γράφουν οι:
Χαράλαμπος Ανθόπουλος, Ευάγγελος Βενιζέλος, Απόστολος Γέροντας, Ξενοφών Κοντιάδης, Γιάννης Μαυρής, Κώστας Μποτόπουλος, Ηλίας Νικολακόπουλος, Κώστας Χρυσόγονος, Hans Herbert von Arnim, Ian Budge, Michel Fromont, Giovanni Guzzetta, Hans Keman, Myunghee Kim, Christine Landfried, Michael D. McDonald, Heike Merten, Martin Morlok, Paul Pennings, Slobodan Samardzic, Svetomir Scaric