Professor of Public Law, University of Athens. LL.B., University of Athens (1986) (High Honors); LL.M. (1987), S.J.D. (1989), Duke University, School of Law. Fields of interest: Constitutional law, comparative constitutional law, EU law, constitutional theory and jurisprudence. He taught comparative constitutional law at the Geneva Program of Duke University in summer 2006. Constitutional expert in many cases, including the negotiations for the resolution of the Cyprus Problem on behalf of the Greek Government in 2002-2004. Visiting scholar at Duke University School of Law in 2003. Special advisor at the General Secretariat of the Greek Government in 1997-1998. Scholarship at the Fondation Perelman (Free University of Brussels) in summer 1988. Founding member, and member of the editorial committee of Isopoliteia (Journal of Legal, Moral and Political Philosophy). He is the author of 4 monographs and of many articles. Representative publications: The Constitutional Problem of Subversive Advocacy in the United States of America and Greece, Athens 1993. New Trends in Greek Contemporary Constitutional Theory: A Comment on the Interplay between Reason and Will, Duke J.Comp.Int.Law, 10, 2000, p. 223. Between engagement and disengagement: Two concepts of Civility, in E. Christodoulidis, S. Tierney, Public Law and Politics: The scope and limits of constitutionalism, Ashgate 2008, p. 189.
Themistocles and Dimitris Tsatsos Foundation
Centre for European Constitutional Law
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