
The  Themistocles and Dimitris Tsatsos Foundation designs and implements comprehensive training programs in the context of its objectives and fields of activity. These programs offer the opportunity for lawyers, professionals and business executives to respond quickly and effectively to new legal and business frameworks. Our programs provide specialized knowledge and equip participants with new skills.

Detailed information on the offered programs can be found here.


October 31, 2024: Extrajudicial Debt Settlement Mechanism after Law 5072/23

Shipping and environment

October 30, 2024: Shipping and the environment: charting a course for clean sailings


October 16, 2024: The legal framework of cybersecurity and cybercrime

fahion law

Octorber 1, 2024: Fashion Law

Mihelis (2)

September 25, 2024: Introduction to the legal framework for the implementation of Renewable Energy Sources projects


September 24, 2024: Foreign investments in real estate

Zoning and Urban Planning Law

September 18, 2024: Introduction to Spatial and Urban Planning Law


July 10, 2024: Social Media Law


July 9, 2024: Smart Cities: planning modern cities in the light of sustainability and the tools of Artificial Intelligence


July 2, 2024: Insolvency Law in application


June 19, 2024: Artificial intelligence and General Data Protection Regulation


June 12, 2024: Property Leasing Law

October 31, 2024: Extrajudicial Debt Settlement Mechanism after Law 5072/23

October 30, 2024: Shipping and the environment: charting a course for clean sailings

October 16, 2024: The legal framework of cybersecurity and cybercrime

PACE: Newsletter ΙΙ