Projects’ activities


LighT: Newsletter II

Untitled design (10)

Call for trainers for the Transnational Training of Trainers workshop

Επίσκεψη Εργασίας Στη Λεμεσό Στο Πλαίσιο Υλοποίησης Του Έργου MoniCoT

Limassol Study Visit


Alternatives to European arrest warrants and pre-trial detention in EU cross-border proceedings: practical insights and perspectives


PROUD: Promoting Supported Independent Living as an alternative care practice for unaccompanied minors

The Centre for European Constitutional Law has partnered with METAdrasi- Action for Migration and Development (the Co-ordinator), Fundació Privada Idea per a la millora social d'infants i famílies, APOSTOLI Plan International Deutschland EV, Athens Lifelong Learning Institute and Stichting Nidos to implement the project entitled ‘Promoting Supported Independent Living as an alternative care practice for unaccompanied minors’ (AMIF-2018-AG-INTE-4), which is co-funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Commission. The implementation of the project initiated in December 2019 and will be implemented over a period of 24 months.

SOpHiSM: A response to online hate speech through the enhancement of high-quality professional and citizen journalism

The Centre for European Constitutional Law (CECL) along with the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (EKPA), EDEX – Educational Excellence Corporation Ltd (University of Nicosia) and the Hellenic League for Human Rights are implementing the project entilted SOpHiSM: A response to online hate speech through the enhancement of high-quality professional and citizen journalism which is funded by the European Commission Justice Programme (JUST) Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC-AG-2019/REC-RRAC-RACI-AG-2019). The project attempts to address the issue of online hate speech in Greece and Cyprous by drawing on existing international standards and tools, as well as the views of all involved actors (young journalists, students of journalism, citizen journalists and NGOs). The duration of the project will be 20 months as of 01/03/2020.

October 31, 2024: Extrajudicial Debt Settlement Mechanism after Law 5072/23

October 30, 2024: Shipping and the environment: charting a course for clean sailings

October 16, 2024: The legal framework of cybersecurity and cybercrime

PACE: Newsletter ΙΙ