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PACE: Newsletter ΙΙ

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FAIR – EU Charter of Fundamental rights: Awareness raising and Instruments to promote a culture of Rights

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Call for trainers for the Transnational Training of Trainers workshop

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PACE: Newsletter I


LighT: Newsletter I

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PACE: Creating privacy awareness in civil enforcement

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LighT Project – Litigating change: training lawyers on the EU rule of law acquis


ARISA Child: Assessing the Risk of Isolation of Sentenced and Accused. Enhancing the Capacity of Correctional Servicesto Work with Convicted Children


CHILDfront – Child friendly justice in the Greek and Cypriot courts

October 31, 2024: Extrajudicial Debt Settlement Mechanism after Law 5072/23

October 30, 2024: Shipping and the environment: charting a course for clean sailings

October 16, 2024: The legal framework of cybersecurity and cybercrime

PACE: Newsletter ΙΙ