Monitoring and Support Unit for the PSYCHARGOS program – PHASE B

January 2009 – January 2010

Ministry of Health and Welfare

The project concerns the establishment of a monitoring and support Unit for the PSYCHARGOS Phase B’ Programme. The competencies of the Unit include a) the provision of support to the implementation of the projects financed by the European Structural Funds, b) the provision of support to mental health and psychosocial rehabilitation units, c) the maintenance and updating of the existing database of structures and mental health services, d) the provision of technical support to implementing institutions, e) monitoring of the project implementation, f) the provision of expert services to implementing institutions and their staff, g) the provision of consulting support for the establishment and operation of a network of implementing institutions, h) awareness and educational activities, i) transfer of know-how. 

Implementing Institutions

  • Centre for European Constitutional Law, Greece
  • Diadikasia S.A., Greece