
European democrats against dictatorship: Greek-German solidarity

The UN Convention against Corruption. The role of Greece

Discourse on the Future of Europe: Europe and the Social State [Europa und das Prinzip Sozialstaat]

The Reform of the Greek University

Discourse on the Future of Europe: The perspectives of the European Constitution [Europäische Verfassung: Und was nun?]

Life With No Face. The Constitution and the Use of Human Genetic Material

Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights and of the Commission (Analytical Study of the Great Matters)

Presentation of latest publications in the series “Constitutional Law in Europe”

PACE: Newsletter ΙΙ

FAIR – EU Charter of Fundamental rights: Awareness raising and Instruments to promote a culture of Rights

GUARD-UP: Empowering guardianship systems to improve the guidance of UAC

LighT: Newsletter II