Entrepreneurship and bureaucracy combating

Presentation of the results of the project “Study and reorganization of administrative precedures for the reduction of administrative burdens and administrative costs”

Legal Seminar for the LGBT rights

Presentation of the last book of Dimitris Th. Tsatsos in Athens

Greece and Europe in the year of crisis

Correctional code and correctional policy

What to achieve and what to avoid the Law Framework Higher Education in Cyprus

Tax Reform and Constitution

The recent administrative reform

The religion symbols in the education

Institutional, european and political thought of D. Tsatsos

From the national anomy to the national strategy

PACE: Newsletter ΙΙ

FAIR – EU Charter of Fundamental rights: Awareness raising and Instruments to promote a culture of Rights

GUARD-UP: Empowering guardianship systems to improve the guidance of UAC

LighT: Newsletter II