Elaboration of Educational Material on the Subject of Contemporary Educational Approaches for the Development of Critical – Creative Thinking – Greece

November 2006 – January 2007


The objective of the project is the training of 6.000 teachers of all the sectors of the Greek Educational System on the contemporarty educational approaches. The seminars will have a total duration of 64 hours. The goal of these seminars is the formation of concrete solutions for all the elements which compose an integrated educational programme for the training of teachers. Two main activities are foreseen: a) the elaboration of the curriculum for the training of teachers of the first and second level of the Greek Educational System, on the contemporary educational approaches for the development of critical-creative thinking of the students and b) the development of the corresponding hardcopy and electronic (CD) educational material for the training of teachers of both the first and the second degree of the Educational System. The activities will be implemented by stages and their corresponding work packages. These stages are:

  1. Administration and management of the project
  2. Evaluation of the training needs of the teachers
  3. Research on the location of similar educational programmes and training material, especially from countries with tradition in “good practices”
  4. Development of the Curriculum
  5. Development of the educational material for the training
  6. Development of supporting material and activities for the implementation and the feedback of the project

Implementing Institutions
Center for European Constitutional Law