May 18, 2020

October 09, 2020: Νon-Performing Loans Servicers – Law 4354/2015 in Practice – Illegal Practices – Civil Procedure Law Issues

October 09, 2020: Νon-Performing Loans Servicers – Law 4354/2015 in Practice – Illegal Practices – Civil Procedure Law Issues

October 08, 2020: Urban Planning and Construction Law for Professionals

October 06, 2020: Personnel Recruitment Law. The Law of the Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection (ASEP)

October 01, 2020: Everyday Diplomacy and Deal Making

September 29-30, 2020:Mediation Advocacy and the new L. 4640/2019 on Mediation

September 25, 2020: Cryptocurrency transactions

September 24 , 2020:Call for Tenders with Electronic Procedures Provided by Platform ESIDIS for Public Works, Design Contests Studies and Scientific Services Notices

September 24 , 2020:Call for Tenders with Electronic Procedures Provided by Platform ESIDIS for Public Works, Design Contests Studies and Scientific Services Notices

September 24 , 2020:Call for Tenders with Electronic Procedures Provided by Platform ESIDIS for Public Works, Design Contests Studies and Scientific Services Notices

September 23, 2020: Latest Developments in Intellectual Property Law

PACE: Newsletter ΙΙ

FAIR – EU Charter of Fundamental rights: Awareness raising and Instruments to promote a culture of Rights

GUARD-UP: Empowering guardianship systems to improve the guidance of UAC

LighT: Newsletter II